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The beach community is a renowned and loved place to relax and enjoy for Hawke's Bay people, with its quaint wooden cottages and rambling gardens falling over roadside fences dotted with the new homes built behind Tauputa hedges and wooden gates. The community with its little roads and grass verges has the atmosphere of a coastal village: sleepy in week days and a bustling vibrancy with visitors on weekends.
Waimarama is steeped in Maori history and documented in the 'Historical Map of Fact and Fable' by Lt.Col R.M Bell M.B.E E.D. Waimarama is where Taewha landed here from the Takitimu. An established school of learning can be found at MaungaWharau, as can a WhareMaire named Pae-Whenua. One of the sea anchors of the Takitimu is said to be the landward rock